Tag: 2020

Meng Chan Financial Wishes Everyone a Merry Christmas 2020

Meng Chan Financial Wishes Everyone a Merry Christmas 2020


Meng Chan Financial Wishes Everyone a Merry Christmas 2020. I took this photo when I visited Santa Claus Village in Finland, they said is where Santa live. It was my first time get close to a real life reindeer!

Wishing you a Christmas that’s merry and bright! We hope you have a safe and relaxing holiday season.


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Happy Diwali, Deepavali 2020 Singapore from mengchansg.com

Happy Diwali, Deepavali 2020 Singapore from mengchansg.com


Wishing everyone a Happy Diwali, Deepavali 2020 Singapore from mengchansg.com, may the light in you shine brightly always!, As all the lights of the world cannot be compared even to a ray of the inner light of the self. Merge yourself in this light and enjoy the festival of lights. (more…)

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Insurance Singapore MediShield Life Premium and Benefits Proposed Changes

Insurance Singapore MediShield Life Premium and Benefits Proposed Changes

Insurance Singapore MediShield Life Premium and Benefits Proposed Changes

According to Straits Times article, (PUBLISHED SEP 29, 2020, 6:00 PM SGT) MediShield Life premiums may rise by up to 35% next year, which is under proposed changes. This will be the first increase in premiums for the compulsory health insurance since its launch five years ago. At the upper end, the proposed hike will exceed $500 a year. In the article, it also states that, all Singaporeans will receive a 70% subsidy on the increase. This goes down to 30 per cent in the second year. With the increase of MediShield Life premium, it also comes with more coverage and benefits, to cover more and larger hospital medical bills. (more…)

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Wealth and Legacy Planning in a Crisis, Why It is Important

Wealth and Legacy Planning in a Crisis, Why It is Important


Ms Angeline Alexander, head of high net worth and affluent customer segments at Prudential Insurance Singapore, recently spoke to Money FM 89.3 host Rachel Kelly on Prime Time, and explains why the downturn is a good time to take stock. Click on the article below to find out more. (more…)

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Circuit Breaker: Insurance an Essential Service: We Are Open


The government’s circuit breaker measures will start tomorrow. Most shops will be closed, dining establishments which are open will only offer take outs or delivery. Most of us will be working from home while our students will start home based learning the day after.We are entering a very difficult phase. If we cannot flatten the COVID-19 curve, we will end up with DORSCON Red. We do not want that, do we? Please follow the measures so we can overcome this COVID-19 pandemic together. I know it is very difficult but our best contribution in this fight is to STAY HOME. For the elderly, this is most advisable – Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong (06 April 2020)


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How To Use Zoom For Work From Home (WFH) Meeting in Covid-19

How To Use Zoom For Work From Home (WFH) Meeting in Covid-19



Many workplaces in Singapore have implemented work-from-home (WFH) measures as to lower human traffic in Singapore. In order to further reduce the risk in local transmission of COVID-19, Covid-19 Circuit-Breaker measures had been implemented. During Covid-19 Circuit-Breaker period, many companies and businesses must conduct their business and services through telecommuting from home. (more…)

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6 Tips to Stay Healthy & Fit While Working From Home (WFH)

6 Tips to Stay Healthy & Fit While Working From Home (WFH)
(photo by pexels)

6 Tips to Stay Healthy & Fit While Working From Home (WFH)

I hope you and your loved ones are well in these extraordinary times. Due to Covid-19 many companies had been asked by Ministry of Manpower to adopt flexible-work or work from home (WFH) only arrangements, including my business. Let us stay safe and united to keep  business as usual, we are all in this together. And most importantly is to stay healthy while we are working from home (WFH) during this pandemic period. (more…)

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The Truth on 6 month of Your Emergency Fund During Covid-19

(photo by pexels)

The Truth on 6 month of Your Emergency Fund During Covid-19

Very often financial consultant generally encourage you to set aside 6 months’ worth of your living expenses as a personal and/or family emergency fund, in case unforeseen situation happened in your life. But is 6 months of emergency fund really enough during Covid-19 pandemic? (more…)

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Covid 19 Singapore Updates on Medical Insurance Claims

(photo by pexels)

Covid 19 Singapore Updates on Medical Insurance Claims

According to Straits Times on 24 March 2020, Singapore residents or long-term pass holder who leaves Singapore from March 27 2020, will also not be able to claim from MediShield Life or Integrated Shield Plans for Covid-19 related treatments (more…)

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