Happy Diwali, Deepavali 2020 Singapore from mengchansg.com


Wishing everyone a Happy Diwali, Deepavali 2020 Singapore from mengchansg.com, may the light in you shine brightly always!, As all the lights of the world cannot be compared even to a ray of the inner light of the self. Merge yourself in this light and enjoy the festival of lights.


One Last Thing

Retirement planning is about having a product or a plan that will gives you a stream of guaranteed income when you retiredno matter where you are, what you do or what condition you are in. While planning it should include your time horizonsexpenses of your future lifestyle needs, adequate medical insurance coverage. Rule of thumb is saving at least 20% of your annual income. Therefore, if you save lesser or start your retirement planning too late, you will not be able to reach your financial freedom goal at your retirement age. Retirement planning takes time, please seek help from your friendly financial consultant to help you with your retirement planning when required, or contact me for a holistic Insurance and Financial Planning.


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