Category: Life Insurance Articles

Whole and Term Life Insurance gives you, your loved ones and family, financial protection against your income or financial loss due to your death or when you suffer from a total and permanent disability.

Insurance Industry to Reduce Par Policies Illustrative Rates of Return

Insurance Industry to Reduce Par Policies Illustrative Rates of Return


According to The Business Times: 3 Jun 21, insurance industry to reduce par policies illustrative rates of return. The Life Insurance Association (LIA) said on Wednesday that the upper bound for par policies’ projected rate of return will be reduced from 4.75 to 4.25 per cent; the lower bound will be revised from 3.25 to 3 per cent. (more…)

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Singapore Insurance: What is ElderShield and CareShield Life

Singapore Insurance: What is ElderShield and CareShield Life


What is ElderShield?

According to CPF Board, Ministry of Health first launched ElderShield in September 2002. ElderShield was offered to eligible Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents (PRs) who had a MediSave Account (more…)

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Singapore Insurance: on Four Top Misconceptions of Insurance

Singapore Insurance: on Four Top Misconceptions of Insurance


According to The Strait Times (PUBLISHED NOV 22, 2020, 5:00 AM SGT) there are four top misconceptions of insurance in Singapore. Click below to read the full article. (more…)

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Singapore Insurance: Updates on Dependants’ Protection Scheme

Singapore Insurance: Updates on Dependants’ Protection Scheme



What is Dependants’ Protection Scheme DPS?

According to CPF Board, Dependants’ Protection Scheme (DPS) is a term insurance that provides insured members and their families with some money to get through the first few years should the insured members pass away or when they suffer from Terminal Illness or Total and Permanent Disability.​ Thus, DPS is a basic term insurance plan which covers death, Terminal illness and Total and Permanent Disability, currently up (more…)

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PRUCancer 360 an Affordable Cancer Insurance Plan

PRUCancer 360 an Affordable Cancer Insurance Plan


According to Ministry of Health (MOH) Principal Causes of Death statistic for year 2017-2019 on the top of the chart is cancer. (source: (more…)

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Circuit Breaker: Insurance an Essential Service: We Are Open


The government’s circuit breaker measures will start tomorrow. Most shops will be closed, dining establishments which are open will only offer take outs or delivery. Most of us will be working from home while our students will start home based learning the day after.We are entering a very difficult phase. If we cannot flatten the COVID-19 curve, we will end up with DORSCON Red. We do not want that, do we? Please follow the measures so we can overcome this COVID-19 pandemic together. I know it is very difficult but our best contribution in this fight is to STAY HOME. For the elderly, this is most advisable – Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong (06 April 2020)


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The Truth on 6 month of Your Emergency Fund During Covid-19

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The Truth on 6 month of Your Emergency Fund During Covid-19

Very often financial consultant generally encourage you to set aside 6 months’ worth of your living expenses as a personal and/or family emergency fund, in case unforeseen situation happened in your life. But is 6 months of emergency fund really enough during Covid-19 pandemic? (more…)

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Blog: Why Women are like Insurance

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Why Women are like Insurance

Once I meet up with a prospect who just got married, and so I asked how is marriage life? He gave an unforgettable replies, “do you know what woman and insurance have in common? They are both expensive and difficult to understand.” I have to agree to my prospect and told him that if he know how to treat them right, he will receive more than he gives for both, and this is how I (more…)

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Blog: Top 5 Mistakes When Buying Insurance Part II

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Top 5 Mistakes When Buying Insurance in Singapore Part II

Once I meet up with a prospect who just got married, and so I asked how is marriage life? He gave an unforgettable replies, “do you know what woman and insurance have in common? They are both expensive and difficult to understand.” This is part 2 of the original Top 5 Mistakes When Buying Insurance in Singapore part 1 article on Top 5 mistakes when buying insurance in Singapore. (more…)

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