Insurance Industry to Reduce Par Policies Illustrative Rates of Return

Insurance Industry to Reduce Par Policies Illustrative Rates of Return


According to The Business Times: 3 Jun 21, insurance industry to reduce par policies illustrative rates of return. The Life Insurance Association (LIA) said on Wednesday that the upper bound for par policies’ projected rate of return will be reduced from 4.75 to 4.25 per cent; the lower bound will be revised from 3.25 to 3 per cent. (more…)

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Transition of Integrated Shield Plan Riders to Co-Payment

Transition of Integrated Shield Plan Riders to Co-Payment


How the Changes to the Integrated Shield Plan Riders (PRUExtra) on 1 April 2021 will Impact You

In 2018, the Ministry of Health announced guidelines for policyholders to co-payment a minimum of 5% on medical claims made from their Integrated Shield Plan (IP) riders, to help address rising healthcare and health insurance costs in Singapore. The Health Insurance Task Force (HITF) also recommended that insurers incorporate suitable claims-cost control measures for all Integrated Shield Plan (IP) riders. (more…)

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Prudential with SuperM to Push Healthy Living Across Asia

Prudential with SuperM to Push Healthy Living Across Asia

photo source: marketing-interactive

According to Marketing-Interactive (05 JANUARY 2021) Prudential Asia has collaborated with Korean pop (K-pop) group SuperM to launch a new campaign titled “We DO Well Together”. (more…)

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Singapore Insurance: What is ElderShield and CareShield Life

Singapore Insurance: What is ElderShield and CareShield Life


What is ElderShield?

According to CPF Board, Ministry of Health first launched ElderShield in September 2002. ElderShield was offered to eligible Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents (PRs) who had a MediSave Account (more…)

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Meng Chan Financial Wishes Everyone a Merry Christmas 2020

Meng Chan Financial Wishes Everyone a Merry Christmas 2020


Meng Chan Financial Wishes Everyone a Merry Christmas 2020. I took this photo when I visited Santa Claus Village in Finland, they said is where Santa live. It was my first time get close to a real life reindeer!

Wishing you a Christmas that’s merry and bright! We hope you have a safe and relaxing holiday season.


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Singapore Insurance: on Four Top Misconceptions of Insurance

Singapore Insurance: on Four Top Misconceptions of Insurance


According to The Strait Times (PUBLISHED NOV 22, 2020, 5:00 AM SGT) there are four top misconceptions of insurance in Singapore. Click below to read the full article. (more…)

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Singapore Insurance: Updates on Dependants’ Protection Scheme

Singapore Insurance: Updates on Dependants’ Protection Scheme



What is Dependants’ Protection Scheme DPS?

According to CPF Board, Dependants’ Protection Scheme (DPS) is a term insurance that provides insured members and their families with some money to get through the first few years should the insured members pass away or when they suffer from Terminal Illness or Total and Permanent Disability.​ Thus, DPS is a basic term insurance plan which covers death, Terminal illness and Total and Permanent Disability, currently up (more…)

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Happy Diwali, Deepavali 2020 Singapore from

Happy Diwali, Deepavali 2020 Singapore from


Wishing everyone a Happy Diwali, Deepavali 2020 Singapore from, may the light in you shine brightly always!, As all the lights of the world cannot be compared even to a ray of the inner light of the self. Merge yourself in this light and enjoy the festival of lights. (more…)

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Singapore Retirement: What is CPF Life & 5 facts of CPF Life

Singapore Retirement: What is CPF Life & 5 facts of CPF Life


What is CPF Life?

According to CPF, it is CPF Lifelong Income For The Elderly (CPF LIFE) Scheme a longevity insurance scheme that insures you against running out of your retirement savings. Thus, the objective of CPF Life is to provide CPF members a monthly income for as long as they live to supplement their retirement expenses. (more…)

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